
Left to Right: Dr. Lamuel Stanislaus, Carlos Lezama, William R. Howard and Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, Grand Marshal

Members of the WIADCA meet with a NYC official, circa 1970

Former Home of esteemed Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, and our late founder, Carlos Lezama view link

Journal cover of Dimanche Gras '73 designed by Errol Payne, Artistic Director, WIADCA

Plaque in honor of the '76 Bi-Centennial event designed by Errol Payne, Artistic Director, WIADCA

Plaque donated to members of the WIADCA by Paradise Trophy in 1977

Flyer for the Re-naming of Brooklyn Ave. and St. John's Place to Carlos Lezama Way - 2009

1974 WIADCA Dimanche Gras Journal designed by Errol Payne, Artistic Director

1971 1st Annual WIADCA Dimanche Gras Journal designed by Errol Payne, Artistic Director

Original Members of the WIADCA circa 1973

Masquerade Character at the Carnival event circa 1973

Selected newspaper articles of the West Indian-American Day Parade circa 1972

Carlos Lezama and NYC Mayor David Dinkins at the West Indian-American Day Parade 1990

Carlos Lezama and Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm in front of the Brooklyn Museum at the Labor Day Parade

Calypsonians Lord Kitchener and Black Stalin at the NYC Dimanche Gras Show

Carlos Lezama with then Senator Marty Markowitz and members of the WIADCA at the West Indian-American Day Parade 1987

Carlos Lezama and NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani at the West Indian-American Day Parade 2000

Carlos Lezama and NYC Ed Koch at the West Indian-American Day Parade 1988